Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Internet Safety: Sharing

I had a great discussion with my mom about internet safety. Much of our conversation focused around the notion that ultimately, as parents and teachers, the most influential thing we can do is to teach and re-teach corret principles so that our children and students will be able to make good decisions on their own. We also talked about creating a safe class and home environment where children feel comfortable talking about mistakes or confusions they have. We determined that this was important because parents and teachers simply cannot monitor all of the actions of their children and students.

We also talked about training children to have a purpose while they are on the internet. We reviewed how helpful it is to place the computer in an open area. We also talked about the importance of helping children balance how much time they spend with media.

Finally, we talked about teaching children what a wonderfu tool the Internet can be for sharing the Gospel. By focusing more on what benefits the Internet provides, children will be less likely to get caught in the negative trap of the Internet.

This conversation was fun because we often talk about these ideas!

Internet Safety: Thoughts

1. What were the most important things I learned from the readings?

Computer games are on online substitute for real human relationships that are often missing from that person’s life.

Parents need to be involved with their children’s Internet use.

2. How will what I have read influence my actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?

I love the idea of teaching children that they should have a purpose when they are on the Internet. There is danger when they are just mindlessly browsing.

Help your children/students to learn balance.

3. How can I use what I have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?

I really appreciated the idea of trying to find out more about the game that your child/student is using. This will help you learn more about the nature of the game and your child/student to feel understood.

4. Am I aware of the benefits and dangers children face when online with cyber bullying and online predators? Do I know how to prevent cyberbullying?

Be aware of what your students/kids are doing. Know their passwords. Know when they are online.

5. What Internet safety issues am I likely to face as a teacher and how will I address them?

Students using questionable material on the internet – I think the first time we use the Internet as a class, I want to have a very straightforward discussion about what the rules and expectations are for our internet use. Also, I will explain and enforce the consequences.

6. How can I leverage the power of the Internet so students can learn, but in a safe way?

Discussing principles seems to be the most effective way. As one article emphasized, if you want to find bad things on the Internet, you can. It’s not that hard. Students and children need to internalize the principles behind safe Internet use so that they can reap the benefits and be ready to steer clear of the filth.