Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Finalist Presentations

1st Entry: I really liked that this group really wanted the students to get engaged in thinking about history. They centered their project around and really interesting and important idea. I like how they wanted the students to foster individaul ideas based on the research they did.

2nd Entry: I like how this group started with their educational goals in mind and then considered which technology would best help them reach those goals.

3rd Entry: I love authentic lesson plans! Students are so motivated by a final project. I would love to do something like this with my class.

4th Entry: Wow! How involved! I liked the student "I can" statements and student-friendly langauge.

5th Entry: I was impressed that this group had actually tested it in the classroom. That was some of the most convincing evidence. This project also had the capacity to meet the needs of many different types of students. The possibilities of connecting with other schools was also intriguing.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Chinese Greetings

Here is the youtube link to the instructional video:


Here is the lesson plan:

Lesson Plan: Getting to Know You: Chinese


Date: September 22, 2010

Class and Grade Level: 1st Year Chinese

Objective(s): Students should be able to carry on a brief introductory greeting with other classmates (including introducing themselves, asking/sharing names, where they are from, what they like to do and giving farewells)

State (or District) Core Curriculum Standard(s):

Standard 1

a. Participate in brief guided conversations related to needs, interests, likes, and dislikes.

(e.g., state what you like to do on the weekend; Talk about what you like to eat and dont like to eat).

c. Make introductions, present classmates, adults, family members, and friends. (e.g., introduce yourself to a

new classmate; introduce yourself to your new teacher or the parents of a friend).

d. Ask and answer simple questions (e.g., ask simple questions to solve problems; find out what time it is).

Standard 4

a. Demonstrate culturally appropriate behaviors for introductions, greetings and leave-taking in a variety of social situations. (e.g., participate in a simulated first day of school in the target culture; role-play introductions, employing appropriate social register).

Concept(s) to Be Taught: hello, name, place of origin, likes, goodbyes

Materials Needed: vidcast on imovie

Strategies to Be Used: viewing, practicing with partner



Continuation from Previous Lesson:

Lesson Presentation:

A) Getting Started:

Explain the day’s objectives. Start the video.

B) Directing the Learning:

Pause the video and allow the students to practice each other at each section. Vary the routines, but create authentic situations.

The different segments may need to be split up over different periods, depending on the speed of the students.

It will help the students to see the overall flow of the conversation right form the beginning. They know the end goal.

C) Bringing the Lesson to a Conclusion:

The students should practice these greetings many times, so by the end they should be comfortable with greetings.

Allow each student to practice with the teacher before they leave as an evaluation of each student.



Monday, March 15, 2010


I attended a really interesting fireside last night. It was all about using the Internet to promote the image of the church. We learned all about how twitter, podcasts and even our wikipedia edits can help internet visitors find positive information about the church.

It is exciting to think how much influence the internet has for good. We saw a short clip about the amount of technology the world is using. It is astounding!



Here is the link to my google doc with my storyboard. Sorry the formatting is weird. I couldn't figure out out to move the pictures around.

The goal for this lesson is to help students to learn to introduce themselves in Chinese. The opening scene will have two people meeting each other in Chinese. Then, the video will go through step-by-step to allow students to practice each phrase.

Monday, March 8, 2010

School House Rock - Review

This teachertube video is a really helpful, entertaining method of introducing students to the U.S. legal processes.

This video only shows three minutes of the show, so it should be appropriate, unless this clip is more than 10%.

School House Rock

We Didn't Start the Fire - Review

This teachertube video would be really helpful for introducing students to American history. Music is an easy way to catch students' interest. Teachers could do a K-W-L with the students and have them write down what they know, want to know, and later, what they have learned.

Since this is used for an educational purpose rather than entertainment, it would be okay to use in the classroom setting.

For music videos, the standard restriction is 10% or less than 30 seconds, and this video uses the whole song.

Despite this, playing the whole song for students does not particularly diminish the market value of the piece, so a teacher could probably use it. Teachers should not, however, post the video on the website so that students could repeatedly listen to the song.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Recently, the Church has stopped using TV ads to promote the image of Church. This is because the most effective way to reach people is through the Web. They have made great efforts to increase the positive image of the Church. While previously 1 out of 10 google search hits about the church were positive, it is now 6 out of 10.

Interesting, the impact of technology! Especially in spreading the Gospel!

Stargirl Instruction

Here is the link to the Podcast I made. I felt like it would be most meaningful to create a Podcast that had the instructions for my students.


Podcasts are really fun. I could get into this!